Friday, March 20, 2009

Royal Palm Bonai

Status - Missing

Palm Bonsai Under Training

(click on the image to see the bigger image)

Royal Palm - Something Different
You don't expect palm tree bonsai. I have tried to create quasi bonsai. Hope, it survives & is admired.

Pic will be uplaoded shortly:

Past, Present & Future Plans:
The plant was in big pot (2.5 Ft high) for almost 6 Years when i had bought this. For the last 2 years i have been removing the deal leaf stalks & fibres gradually to expose the hard, cracked trunk. The trunk bulb is now 5 inches in diameter. The average leaf size use to be 3 ft by 4 Ft.

As on March 2009:
Re-potted in Feb, 2009. What I had done is over period of 1 month, i had slashed the earthen pot from middle in phase manner. Than removed the plant & shifted it in the bottom half of the pot that was intact. For the same i had to remove the mud from all the side & from the bottom of the uprooted plant. The plant has survived as it is still green & a new shoot is about to bloom in 2 weeks time as of 19th March, 2009. Earlier the plant use to weight about 30Kg along with Plant, pot & mud. Now it is under 10Kg. The plan has good nebari that is spreading in all direction.

As on 20th April
I have removed the leaf & now I expect the new leaf bud to take its place. I have removed the coir such that trunk is more clearly visible. The problem with Palm tree Palam bonsai is that it takes 2 months for a leaf to open up. And by the time the second one crops, the first one starts to turn yellow. Heavy wind also cuts the leaves, & hence the beauty of it is lost. Guess getting a foilage (5/6 leaves at a time will never be visible). I expect the new leaf to be under 1 feet from 3/4 feet size it use to be earlier.

Future Plans:
The current Pot size is under 1 Ft. I will reduce it by 5-6 inches after 3-6 month, once 2/3 new leaves appear, probably during monsoon. And if possible, shift it in a tray. I am waiting for the new roots to appear & cramp the pot. Post re-potting, it should weight under 5 Kg & I expect the new leaves to be under 1 Feet in size from 3 Ft earlier in lines with Office palm.

The plant needs no care. I don't recollecting changing the soil or fertilizing it. Now will be doing it regulary as I take care of other bonsai.

For more details read the following links

Growing Palm Bonsai

To know all about growing palms

Ramesh Sinha
Ahmedabad Bonsai Club

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ramesh,
    My name is Sachin Bhow and i am from baroda. I am also a bonsai enthusiast and i develop bonsai as well though not with commercial interest. I am also a part of the Banyan Bonsai Club in baroda which is a club with more than 120 members and we organise regular workshops and we are very active with our members. i have been coming to ahmedabad as i have my house over there but excepting you i have not seen too many BONSAI enthusiast in ahmedabad, but having a look at your blogspot now i feel that ahmedabdad also would have such people.
    My contact number is 9825045432. By the way we are organising a bonsai exhibition on the 20th and 21st of november 2009 where all the people who have our kind of interest are invited. if you can send me the list of the people with their addresses then i would be able to send a letter of invite to all of you and you can come here to visit this. If you can do this pl send me the list with addresses and phone numbers on
    Good to know and let us try and join hands to get our group bigger and collect with us people of similar interests.

    Wish you a very happy diwali and properous new yr.


    Sachin Bhow


Dear Visitor, please feel free to comment on my Bonsai under training. IF you wish to contact me call me on 9924332267 or send me email at