Friday, April 30, 2010

Bonsai Tutorials

- Click here to know all about Fertilizers for your Bonsai
This will tell you all that you need to know about plant food.

It is very important that the pot is in proportion to your Bonsai. This article will tell you as what you need to keep in mind.

Without wiring, you cannot achieved the desired shape. This article tells few things to keep in mind when wiring a bonsai.

This is probably the most difficult bonsai style. Things to keep in mind, when making a wind swept style are listed in this article.

This is the most astounding style of Bonsai, listed here are some of the finer points of cascade style bonsai.

What you need to know before you try your hands on Twin Trunk style bonsai is mentioned here.

Some basic points that you need to keep in mind, before you get started are stated in this article.

here are some of the points that you need to keep in mind for making neem bonsai

Friday, April 23, 2010

about fertilizing bonsai

Plants make food by process called Photosynthesis, where Carbon dioxide & water in presence of sunlight gets converted into Sugars & carbohydrates, and this is what plants feed on. Fertilizers are like Vitamins for plants, which aids in carrying out the various functions like growing, photosynthesis, flowering, seeding, etc.

Fertilizers are classified as
- Macro-nutrients
- Micro-nutrients or trace elements

These are further classified as Primary & Secondary Macro-nutrients:
- Primary Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K)
- Secondary Calcium (Ca), Sulphur (S), Magnesium (Mg)

Micro-nutrients or trace elements
Boron (B), Chlorine (Cl), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo) and Selenium (Se).

Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizer
To plants it makes not difference if the Fertilizer is Organic or Inorganic. All that it needs is Macronutrients & Micronutrients in the right proportion to grow. It does not care if the same is manufactured or is available as natural resource i.e cow dung, compost, manure, etc.

Solid vs Liquid Fertilizer
Plants absorb nutrients from roots or via opening in leaves. In nature, the roots play a major role in absorbing fertilizers. Remember roots do not eat soil, all it can do is absorb water & fertilizers dissolved in water. Hence it makes no difference to plant if fertilizer is available in solid or liquid form.

What Fertilizer to Buy?
Together Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium is know as NPK. Composition of NPK differs as per plant requirement i.e NPK 19:19:19 or 24:19:19, etc. These rations determines as what % of element in more & in which ratio. NPK 19:19:19 means all three elements Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium are in equal proportion.

Element: Use Purpose
Nitrogen Ability to produce chlorophyll & thus aids in plants growth
Phosphorous Roots development, Flowering & absorbing food
Potassium Protection against draught, cold, diseases

NPK 19:19:19 which has all nutrients in balanced proportion is recommended for Bonsai Plants. The fertilizer you buy should contain the other elements too as listed above but in very small quantities.

Usage guidelines;
- Please refer instruction manual thoroughly
- Please seek usage instruction from expert if possible
- Fertilizers should be used sparingly
- They should used in small quantities, once every 2 weeks
- Preferably they should be diluted in water & than fed to the plants
- If sprayed on leaves it should be done during early morning or evening hours
- Excess usage can harm plans & even kill them
- Usage should be more in Growing season & less in dormant period

Ramesh Sinha
Ahmedabad Bonsai Club

Join Indian Bonsai group on Facebook

For more information, please visit this website.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wind swept style bonsai

Picture courtesy - Tony Tickle album on Face book.

One of the most exciting wind swept images I have come across, as seen in raw nature. If you plan to make one, here are some points to be kept in mind. Pl. note that this happens to be the most difficult style to copy.

- Note, the center most branch is the longest, and if you can tilt the image by 90 degrees, you will see a triangular shape. Simply put, it is formal bonsai, laid horizontally.
- Try to show dead wood, and rough wood, which is a typical characteristics of a wind swept
- The branches will turn 180 degrees and go on the opposite side of the flow of wind
- The background should be visible form between two branches
- The lower part will have lesser growth because of branches above
- The tip of branches are towards the sky
- The branches are more or less horizontal, and are not falling down
- Show less foliage
- In above picture couple of trees which are planted next to each other have grown in wind swept style, if it was one tree, foliage would have been very less

- ramesh sinha
pl. share your learning on this style

Ahmedabad Bonsai Club