Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Suiseki Collection / Stone Collection

Suiseki (Water Stone) is a hobby that compliments Bonsai. No Bonsai is complete without Suiseki. Seen below are some of the Suiseki/Stones I have collected over the years.

The Dragon Stone:

- Weight: Under 2 Kg
- Found at: Diu Sea Beach, Diu, India.

The Granite Peak

Weight - Under 2 Kg
Found near Ambaji Temple on way to Abu Road.

The Granite Mountain

Weight - Under 5 Kg
Found near Ambaji Temple on way to Abu Road.

Ramesh Sinha, Ahmedabad Bonsai
Ahmedabad Bonsai, Gujarat Bonsai, India Bonsai. 9924332267

The Granite Mountain

The Granite Mountain:
- Weight: Approx 5 Kg.
- Found at: Near Ambaji, Rajasthan, Gujarat

Ramesh Sinha, Ahmedabad Bonsai
Ahmedabad Bonsai, Gujarat Bonsai, India Bonsai. 9924332267

Portulacaria afra or Dwarf Jade or Elephant Bush

Status: Dead

As of April, 09::

As of Feb 09::

(click image to see full size image)

Portulacaria Afra
- Scientific Name: Portulacaria Afra
- Common Name: Dwarf jade or Elephant Bust
- Nickname: Twin Brothers
- Age: 1 Years
- Height: Less than 6 Inches
- Style: Twin Trunk
- Re potted: Dec 2008
- Care: Daily watering because of small size of container, Monthly pruning & 50:50 soil mix and very less attention required. Good plant to start bonsai hobby with, just like Adenium.

Plant History:
- 15th September 2009
This was growing great at Sejal's place. Then when I bought it back, pure neglect, repotting, rewiring, and excessive wiring killed it.

- March 2009
I have reduced the height of smaller branch by 50%. Pic will be uploaded later.
The distance between two trunk has been reduced by wiring.
- Dec 2008
Had grown this plant from a cutting in July 2009. Than shifted to a Mame pot in December 2008. Had wired it to present shape.

More Details:
It's called Elephant Bush because elephants love it. Elephants eat the leaves & branches & drop the trunk. New tree grow from the Trunk easily. For more details visit


Status: Growign Wild

(click image to see full size image - March 09)

(click image to see full size image - Dec 08)

Jatropha or Peregrina
- Scientific Name: Jatropa Integrrima
- Common Name: Spicy Jatropa, Peregrina
- Nickname: Elephant Trunk
- Age: 3 Years
- Height: 1 Feet
- Style: Umbrella
- Re potted: June 2008
- Care: Daily Watering, Soil 50:50 Mix, Filtered Sunlight,

Current Updates:
As of 15th September, 2009
This is at Neepa place & growing wild. Four tender braches seen in above pic have grown woody in last 6 months time. I haven't trimmed it so has Neepa. Need to do pruning & wiring in in coming weeks to give is a new shape. A Branch from the trunk (bottom half) has also grown. Let's see what can be done. This is quite a sturdy plant.

As of 1st April, 2009
- Removed the leaves & pinched the bud post flowering. New 6 Buds have appeared. Will allow it to grow for some time such that from present 4 branches i get 8 odd branches. Will shape it such that a canopy is formed above the stone as seen in second image posted in Dec 08.

As of 6th March, 2009

- The plant has started flowering and hence I am not wiring for I want to enjoy the flowers. Will let is grow wildly for a month before I chop it again as per the old image.
- A new branch has appeared from bottom, not sure what to do with it.

Branch snaps easily which makes it difficult to wire, so wire early when Branch is flexible.

Future Plan:
Crown that spread in all direction to be developed. Already 2 branches have developed which will be wired to to give proper crown shape.

More about Jatropha
This plant is native of cuba & if allowed to grow in wild can reach 5 Meers in height. For more details visit

Jatropha integerrima or Peregrina

Status: Missing

(click image to see full size image)

Jatropha or Peregrina
- Scientific Name: Jatropa Integrrima
- Common Name: Spicy Jatropa, Peregrina
- Nickname: Elephant Trunk
- Age: 3 Years
- Heigth: 2 Feet
- Style: Literati
- Repotted: January 2009
- Care: Daily Watering, Soil 50:50 Mix, Filtered Sunlight

Future Plan:
The second branch will be bought down at 180 degree, parallel to trunk.

1st April, 2009
- Beautiful Baby Pink flowers have come on this tree. Both the branches have grown beautifully. Once the flower falls, i will pinch the leaves & buds such that new branches shoot out. It may be difficult to bring the 2nd branch downwards, but let see what happens. The leaves will be as such less, for I am shaping it into a literati style.

15th September 2009
I have no clue as where is this Jatropha Bonsai plant si as of now. I guess it is at Santosh or Neepa place, and growing wild for I have not seen it in last 6 months. Will go there & check out this Sunday.

More about Jatropha
This plant is native of cuba & if allowed to grow in wild can reach 5 Meers in height. For more details visit

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Adenium or Desert Rose

Status: Dead

(click image to see full size image)

About my Adenium

- Nickname: Fat Boy
- Scientific Name: Adenium
- Common Name: Desert Rose
- Age: 5 Years
- Style: Broom Style
- Height: 1 Feet
- Re-potted: January 2009
- Care: Full Sun Exposure, Water just once a week, Quick Drain Soil, Absolutely No Care required

Future Plans:
Branches will be pruned such that more branches grow & a proper crown develops. Currently there are 6 Branches & I expect 12 to be there on the crown.

26th March 2009:
Flowering has stopped. I Plan to chop the branches to infuse new branches & Leaves. It's spring time, hope it works as I do not have much experience with Jade.

Died 15th September 2009:
Was at one of my student's place for 4 months. I actually didn't care to go there & check its health. In 2nd monsoon showers, it i guess soaked more water & silently passed away. Will plant adenium in the same pot to keep the memories fresh.

e about Adenium:
The Desert Rose is a native of East Africa. It has fleshy leaves and beautiful 2-inch pink open-trumpet shaped flowers. It is a succulent, and forms more of a bush than a tree. It can grow up to 6 Ft in wild as shown below & Loves Full sun. To know more on Adenium visit

I have this Adenium mame that had chopped from the base such that it can stand still in Mame pot. I allowed it to dry in open for a week & then re-potted in a Mame pot. I wired it at based such that it could stand straight until roots appear again. I accidentally placed it at a location where it was not clearly visible sort of blind spot. I searched for it,didn't find it & thought someone had stolen it. I kept looking for for few more days could not find it. I eventually concluded that someone might have stolen it & even told my bonsai friends about the accident. After 2/3 weeks while cleaning my terrace, i accidentally bumped into it again. It was doing well without water for almost 4 weeks. I am sure it will survive. I have decided to name it as the Lost Child, child because it too small that can qualify for Mame.